Geography (M.A.)

Geography master’s degree is a program that aims to make spatial analysis in the relationship between human and natural environment. It is the representative of a solution-oriented discipline that adopts the arrangement of space for the benefit of people and the establishment of an understanding that protects nature while doing so. With its applied education system, it aims to train well-equipped individuals who have the ability to think analytically, have interdisciplinary working skills, and can analyze from a local scale to a global scale. Geography is a branch of science that aims to make spatial analysis and develop geographical knowledge in the relationship between human and natural environment. It examines the relationship between man and the environment he lives in and the geographical facts and events that occur due to this relationship. Geographical information has always been needed to organize, develop and disseminate spatial (local, national, global) and temporal information. The real identity of geography, besides describing and explaining the perceived world, has a framework that aims to eliminate spatial, social, economic and political inequalities and produces solutions for this purpose. The Geography master’s program aims to educate graduates who can comprehend and explain the reconstruction of space, have a thinking style based on geographical information, and have the ability to use current technologies (Geographic Information Technologies). Another aim and achievement of the Geography master’s program is to teach students the basic concepts of geography, natural sciences and social sciences. It is to equip students with the theoretical and applied knowledge that these concepts are related to, as well as the ability to interpret, synthesize, think analytically and draw conclusions. The Geography master’s program aims to provide its students with an education that will equip them with a holistic approach to human and natural environment problems, analyze from local scale to global scale, and produce solutions to problems. Seminars, panels, conferences, etc., which will enable students to specialize in the field of geography as well as their personal development. Scientific and social meetings are held. By giving assignments for field and field studies, postgraduate students; They are encouraged to conduct research on space, which is the study area of ​​geography, and to complete their academic development in studies that will reveal the relationship between people and space.

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